Cartographer sends three types of emails related to projects and teams, each of which can be enabled, disabled, and customised by coordinators:
- Invitation Emails — These are sent when a coordinator invites someone to the project or team. You can see an example on the page about Getting an Account.
- Survey Complete Emails — These are sent when a surveyor marks a survey as “complete”. They let coordinators know that a new submission is available, and invite them to log in and approve it.
- Survey Approval Emails — These are sent when a coordinator approves a survey. They let the original surveyor know it has been approved, and contain a link to see the survey on the relevant map.
Getting to Project/Team Settings
Project and team coordinators can tweak the settings for each of the types of email above from Settings pages in Cartographer. Here’s how you get there.
Getting to Project Settings
If you’re a Project Coordinator, you can access the email settings on the corresponding Project Settings for the project by clicking on the cog icon next to the project name on your workspace home page:
The correct page is titled “PROJECT NAME (Project)” and has the “Settings” tab selected:
Getting to Team Settings
If you’re a Team Coordinator, click on the name of the corresponding project instead. This will take you to the Project Home Page where your teams are listed:
On the Project Home Page, look for a heading titled “My Teams”. Click the Cog icon next to the corresponding team:
This will take you to the Team Settings page. The page will be titled “TEAM NAME (Team)” and the “Settings” tab will be selected: