This guide is for the new Cartographer web site at If you are using the old web site at, please see the older copy of this guide.
This is a quick step-by-step guide to entering a Westcountry CSI survey on Cartographer. It is intended as a supplement to the Westcountry CSI Volunteer Material developed by Westcountry Rivers Trust.
If you have any questions about Westcountry CSI, including information about site selection and survey methodologies, first see the Westcountry CSI Volunteer Material.
If the manual doesn’t answer you questions, please email the Westcountry CSI team by email at
Signing In
Start by going to the Cartographer home page at and clicking Sign In:
On the next screen, enter your email address and, when prompted, your password. See Signing In for help with the sign in process:
Starting a Survey Form
Click the link marked Surveys underneath Westcountry CSI, either in the left-hand sidebar or in the middle of the workspace home page:
You will end up on the Survey List page that lists the recent Westcountry CSI surveys completed by yourself and other volunteers:
You can add a new survey in one of two ways, depending on whether you’re starting at a new site or revisiting an existing one:
Visiting a New Survey Site
Click the Add button in the top right of the survey list page to start a new survey:
Revisiting an Existing Survey Site
If you are recording data for a site you’ve visited before, you can get off to a quick start by copying and editing one of your previous survey forms.
Type into the search field on the survey list to find a previous survey. You can search by catchment or river name (e.g. “Dart”), site name (e.g. “Waitrose Car Park”), or surveyor name (e.g. ”Alice Smith”):
When you find the survey you’re looking for…
- EITHER - Click Duplicate button on the right hand of the page:
- OR - If you need to check if a survey is the right one, click on the list item to view the form:
If the survey form is the correct one, click the Duplicate button at the top of the form:
Regardless of which method you use to duplicate the survey, Cartographer will create a fresh copy ready for you to fill in:
Cartographer will automatically blank out some fields on the duplicated form (e.g. recent rainfall, temperature) while leaving others filled in (e.g. site name, location on the map). This partially completed form should give you a head start when recording your data.
Completing the Form
Survey Details
In the top section of the form, record the name and location of your survey site, the date/time of your visit, and the rainfall on the day.
Red Error Messages
Many fields on the Westcountry CSI form are required but start out blank. They are outlined in red with a red error message beneath them telling you what to do to fix them (e.g. “You must specify a value”). Once you address the error messages they disappear:
You can read more about red errors in the our general Tips on Completing Survey Forms.
Selecting a Location on the Map
You can enter the survey location by clicking on the map or by typing in a 10-digit National Grid Reference or GPS location. You can read more about selecting locations in our page of Tips on Completing Survey Forms.
Take up to four photographs to accompany your survey data. One photograph should be taken from the same place on each visit and capture some part of the waterbody and surroundings.
Upload a photograph by clicking the “Upload” button. A dialog box will appear asking you to select a file from your computer. Select your photograph and click “OK” or “Open” (depending on which browser and operating system you are using):
Be sure to wait for the green “tick” icon, indicating that your photograph is fully uploaded, before continuing:
(Example photograph Copyright 2023 by Westcountry CSI volunteer Chrissy9898.)
General Ecosystem Observations
Most of this section is multiple choice. Some questions only allow one answer, while others allow you to select multiple. See the labels for each question for details:
Entering “Other”
If you select “Other” at any point, Cartographer will ask you to enter a description in the text field below. Otherwise please leave these text fields blank:
Blue Hints
Note that the prompt to enter a description appears in blue not red. Blue messages are called hints. They prompt you to take an action but they don’t prevent you submitting the form if you choose not to. As such, they can be ignored (although we encourage you not to ignore them).
You can read more about blue hints and red errors in the our general Tips on Completing Survey Forms.
Evidence of Pollution
This is another multiple-choice section, similar to General Ecosystem Observations above.
Water Quality Measurements
This section requires you to record four water quality readings by collecting and analysing a water sample using a test kit:
Dry Runs
If you have been asked to complete a “Dry Run”, you may not have your test kit with you. Simply click the box for “Dry Run” and skip the remainder of this section of the form. For more information, check the section on Dry Runs in the Westcountry CSI Volunteer Manual:
Units of Measurement
The units are displayed on the right hand side of each field. For example, Total Dissolved Solids is measured in parts per million (ppm) whereas Phosphate (PO4) is measured in parts per billion (ppb):
Turbidity Readings
Secchi tubes only give readable measurements in the range 12-240 NTU. If your measurement is outside of this range, enter “<12” or “>240” as appropriate.
Optional Water Quality Measurements
Please leave this section blank unless a Westcountry CSI coordinator has assigned you additional testing kit and specifically asked you to complete it
If you have been allocated additional testing kit, check the checkbox to reveal several additional fields:
Use this optional field to record anything else that is relevant to the survey but that doesn’t fit into the other fields. Examples include additional observations, special or extenuating circumstances, and the presence of additional surveyors:
Saving Your Survey
When you have finished entering your data, click Save in the top right of the page. You will see a popup containing two options:
Choose Complete if the survey form is complete and you’d like to submit it for review by the Westcountry CSI team. Choose Draft if you aren’t finished yet but you need to step away from your computer for a moment. See Saving Surveys for more information about these status codes and how surveys are approved.